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Discussioni Generali - clomiphene jak

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Discussioni Generali => Esempio di forum => clomiphene jak




Herb (Invitato)
06/12/2010 00:18 (UTC)[citare]
clomiphene jak clomiphene jak clomiphene jak
MWDuVDeAYz (Invitato)
19/11/2012 07:22 (UTC)[citare]
I still think it's so odd that my hospitals pocily is that ultra sound techs can't tell u anything about the anatomy being healthy or if something is wrong. If she could tell me, I would've been nervous that day too. We had to wait for our dr to tell us. Hope u get a different tech this time!!! And you're so right about switching your thinking to boys when u think it's a girl. Too funny we did the same!


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