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Discussioni Generali - paxil plus

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Discussioni Generali => Esempio di forum => paxil plus




Emilio (Invitato)
04/11/2010 04:48 (UTC)[citare]
paxil plus paxil plus paxil plus
WEkIwIgBkMlNCHyXtVc (Invitato)
19/11/2012 06:30 (UTC)[citare]
Excellent idea, Gary! I'll take it one step further. Where are all the hehlaty and cured drug users in America? There should be millions of them! But I don't know one of them! When are people going to wake up to the fact that drugs keep you in a disease state for the rest of your life? At times, some drugs are useful, but the majority lead to a death spiral. Get on one drug, soon you'll be on 10, 20 or 50! Do I lie? Just ask anyone who visits a doctor. How many people go bankrupt to buy drugs that the doctor says they can't live without? Who pockets all the money? People are dying en masse to fill their pockets! Like I said, where are all the hehlaty drug-takers??? I personally don't watch TV because all the drug ads literally make me sick! No brainwashing for me. I want to stay hehlaty so I stay away from the drug lies. By the way, does anyone ever think of eating real live food instead of eat what you want and take a pill??? Wake up America! The drug companies are pulling out all the stops if they have to resort to TV ads! They are out to get us all and God help us, it's working! Bottom line-to say I want them to be banned and illegal is an understatement! If we can't get those ads off the air, TV's should come with a new warning. Caution: watching drug ads is hazardous to you health!


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