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Discussioni Generali - lioresal alkohol

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Guadalupe (Invitato)
09/11/2010 23:45 (UTC)[citare]
lioresal alkohol lioresal alkohol lioresal alkohol
IZWLNUGm (Invitato)
19/11/2012 05:06 (UTC)[citare]
Jesus was killed, seotmhing ENORMOUS happened in Jewish culture. Their Sabbath day was moved one day over in the week. The Sabbath now fell on the day before the Sabbath or the day of preparation. The crucifiction of just another religious cook would never cause the Holy day of a church to change. The person crucified HAD to have been different then just the next religious person. I see this as proof that many of the people who lived in this time period did believe that Jesus was the Son of God, and this can give a lot of support to the writings about Him. I know it's not absolute, but then again, the Bible does have more historical support than any other text that is as old as it, and even texts younger than it. More historical proof than Shakespeare, more historical proof than Aristotle, Plato, the list can go on. The problem here is that I've read up on this from established historians that have proven what I have said to be so. There is a possibility that you have read up on this from established historians that have proven things in your favor. So nobody is wrong to cite their readings, it just comes down to I've read what certain people have had to say, and you have read what other people have had to say.


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