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Discussioni Generali - lasix liquidum

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Discussioni Generali => Esempio di forum => lasix liquidum




Hong (Invitato)
08/02/2011 17:21 (UTC)[citare]
lasix liquidum lasix liquidum lasix liquidum
mWNaApnPCgHBPIfaLNW (Invitato)
04/09/2011 16:46 (UTC)[citare]
Hey, you're the goto exerpt. Thanks for hanging out here.
WzGXRlBRhdMiEPHEdcc (Invitato)
19/11/2012 06:03 (UTC)[citare]
I have a (humorous?) coffee coemnmt to make regarding the syrup' or concentrate used in making cold-brew coffee. For a number of reasons-mainly the extremely low-acidity-I drink exclusively cold-brew coffee made with a Filtron system (it is great!). My mom has a Toddy which is basically the same, but has a different shape and is glass. Question: how much coffee-concentrate must I add to my hot water before it becomes coffee' and ceases being merely brown water?' Finally: I think a related issue is vitamin water-which another coemnmter brought up calling it, new energy water.' The brand-name Vitamin water product, made with the (horrible and unhealthy) Stevia/Truvia extracts, has 0 calories. Other flavors of vitamin water are extremely delicious, contain sugar and are about the same calories as a medium soda. This is a sometimes drink'-like soda or cookies-in that it is DELICIOUS but does contain-I don't know-a rather small number of vitamins, thus the name. I think vitamin waters are regulated as foods and not drugs/supplements by the FDA-I could be wrong, however if you enjoy drinking vitamin water, one should be careful not to overdose on the vitamins contained in this drinks (it's also not good to eat a handful of vitamin pills). Finally, let's classify more edge-cases! Are *true* energy drinks, either sugar+caffeine, or caffeine+water-(those amazingly unhealthy tiny bottles one sees in the check-out aisle in stores)- are those medicines or food-liquids? They contain the amount of caffeine one would find in a caffeine' pill (which may or may not have actual medical uses), are have nothing to do with coffee. Where do those fall? (other than being a generally bad idea in all cases).


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