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Discussioni Generali - ahnliche tabletten sie asendin

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Travis (Invitato)
31/12/2010 17:39 (UTC)[citare]
ahnliche tabletten sie asendin ahnliche tabletten sie asendin ahnliche tabletten sie asendin
AkrwUBhTuR (Invitato)
20/09/2011 00:35 (UTC)[citare]
This airtcle went ahead and made my day.
rASYugILUgDbdpZESHm (Invitato)
06/09/2012 22:38 (UTC)[citare]
I personally don't think there is a god, and I dont belveie in any religions. Weather is Islam, Christiannity, etc. And my reason is clear. I think that religion was created by man, for its own needs. We needed to explain our existance, and we had nothing else but god. Second of all we seem to give every credit to god in religion. God gave you this, God gave you that, well I'm sorry to break your bubble here but what you've got is what you've worked for. Nothing more nothing less. I think religion is premitive, dumb and ridiculous. No offense to those who have faith, but there are missing links in religion and it just doesn't work out in my mind. If I shall burn in hell because of my sins, well so be it. And by the way your little chart is pure bullshit (sorry for the expression but I had to say it like that) you represent atheism as bad and evil when it is actually normal for somebody to find the truth in religion. And when you say that gnostic atheists are the strongest atheist, I'm sorry but your wrong again.Some (I am part of it) oppose themselves to religious acts, religious thoughts. Most of them feel like religion is just another way of brain wash, another lie.
jUGeRRQoALxpJti (Invitato)
08/09/2012 17:53 (UTC)[citare]
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Cecil (Invitato)
05/06/2015 11:55 (UTC)[citare]
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